Thursday, March 3, 2011

Benevolent Alignment

I have exactly 1 penny in my wallet and nothing in my bank account.  February was a rough month.  Mark couldn't work because of the snow (imagine trying to pull a 35 foot travel trailer in 18" of snow!) and my boss was in the hospital all month.  So, no income for us.

I needed to come up with $60 by yesterday or my water will be turned off and $25 by today or the electric will be turned off in a property I own.  It's expensive to get utilities turned back on, you know.  I've been trusting that the money would turn up somehow.  I just wasn't sure how.

I have some items for sale on Craigslist -- several of which I got for free.  Yesterday I received a text from someone interested in buying one of the items I got for free.  Price: $75.  Water bill paid!  But I was still $10 short on the electric bill.  Then the buyer asked me if I would deliver the item for an extra $10.  Exactly what I needed!  Bills paid! 

God works like that you know.

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